Richland Co., Ohio


Tax Records

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Richland County Property Taxes - Taxpayers, 1828

Sharon Township  (Range 19, Township 22)

source:  Richland County List of Property Subject To Taxation, 1828

Useful resources:  See the range map in our map section and the 1873 and 1896 Plat Books for more info. on Township Numbers and Sections

R = Range  |  T = Township  |  S = Section

ne = northeast  |  nw = northwest  |  se = southeast  |  sw = southwest

hf = half  |  qr = quarter  |  pt = part  |  sec = section  |  cor = corner

* If you would like more information about a particular entry on this page, please e-mail with the NAME of the taxpayer, the tax YEAR. the TOWNSHIP and the REFERENCE NUMBER below the chart.  Use the phrase "Property Tax Lookup" in the subject line of your e-mail please.

Owner's Name Section Quarter
Bargahiser, Levi 6 se
Arter, George 31
Betts, William 22
Culler, Michael 34 se
Cairns, Joseph 36 sw
Currans, Joseph " se
Craig, Samuel 33 w½ nw
Clark, Thomas 17 nw
Camp, Harvey 15 s pt se
Cooper, Jacob 12 pt se
Curran, Matthew 24 e½ sw
Cox, Joseph 20
Dinsmore, James 25 e½ sw
Davis, William 8 se
Deardorff, Peter 11
" 12 sw
" 13 sw
" 14 ne
Dinsmore, James 26 se
Ekey, James 30 nw
Evans, Evan 25 nw
Edgington, Daniel 12 pt se
Gamble, James 8 sw pt nw
Hays, Almon 15 s pt se
Hanley, John (heirs of) 34 sw
Henney, Robert 23 ne
Hoover, Daniel 18 e½ se
Hedges, Josiah 35
Jewell, Robert 2 nw
Johns, Benjamin 7 ne
" 5 se
" 4
" 34 ne
" 36 ne
" 33 sw
Kerr, Joseph 1 nw
Kerr, James 12 nw
" 1
" 12 ne
Kerr, John 29 ne
Lincoln, Alfred 13 se
Livermore, Edward St. Loe 10 se
" 15 ne
" 15 sw
" 3
" 4 ne
" 2 sw
" 11 nw
" 14 nw
" 24 ne
" 25 se
" 3 nw
Matson, Uriah 34 nw
Matthews, Matthew 35 ne


" nw
Marvin, Stephen 8 n pt nw
McLoughlin, George 9 sw
Mervin, Isaac 3 sw
Miller, James 27 se
McCounnel, Matthew 2 ne
Morrow, Charles 1 ne
McIntire, William 35 se


" sw
Philips, Josiah 24 se
Patterson, William 7 e½ se
Rice, John 28 sw
Rockwell, James 23 e½ sw
Rigdon, Stephen 2 se
Raymond, Lemuel 7 sw cor ne
Smiley, Jay 5 sw
Swalc, Gil__ H. 10 nw
Swan, Adam 10 sw
Smith, James 22 ne
Tucker, Joseph 8 pt sw
Taylor, Henry 14 nw pt sw
Taylor, John B. 14 e pt sw
Taylor, Charles 22 nw
Wood, James 33


" e pt nw
Weaver, Isaac 28 nw
Whitney, Henry 8 w pt nw
Wilson, Eli 8 ne
" " pt nw
" " pt sw
Wolfe, Jacob 5 n½ nw
Wolfe, Samuel G. " s½ nw
Weld, Benjamin 32 se

Reference Number = 1828 / 9510-9517

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